Friday, October 9, 2009

The verdict

And so, the verdict is out.

Some things are just not meant to be I guess.....

I have no complaints about what I got in the end cos that's something that I always wanted to do as well and of course, not to mention that I have good company :)

My only qn, which I guess I'll never get an answer to, is What is it exactly that I lack, that got my application rejected 3 times in a row? I just hope that the reason is something else but a lack of experience cos in the first place, there wasnt a chance given to obtain that experience!

I was prepared for this anyway..... Except that my hopes were a little higher this time round in view of the assurance I got.

I guess some things are just not meant to be. It may not be a bad thing after all. I'll just have to think that I was probably not cut out for it (Itz not being sour grapes in any way) In fact what Im doing now wasnt exactly my top choice but I have absolutely no regrets from the bottom of my heart. It was an extremely good experience and im sure the upcoming months will be too.

Itz now time to shed an old dream and move on.....

1 comment:

Anu said...

Oh darlin.. Dun worry.. I know the posting you are talkin abt.. I hope you can come to terms with it dear.. It's all for the best.. I know that's not much consolation but there's a plan for u my dear.. N it's a bright plan for u.. the right plan.. HE wouldn't let it be otherwise. Love u! Call me if anything! =)